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"You can have peace of mind, improved health and an ever-increasing flow of energy. Life can be full of joy and satisfaction." -- Norman Vincent Peale

Spiritual Energy helps create harmony in the body and in the Earth. It raises the energy levels which benefits us all. It is my belief that Energy Work with the intention for the Greatest Degree of Love can create world peace. If Energy Balancing (Reiki) has FOUND you, allow yourself to experience the power of the Divine... It will change your life! FREE NON-Touch, Energy mini-healing sessions by appointment or schedule a FREE demo at your business!


The Reiki Principles

Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings.

I will not worry.

I will not anger.

I will do my work honestly.

I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.

Energy Overview

The belief that an intelligent, spiritual, unseen energy, flows throughout the universe and connects all living things is ancient wisdom; and held worldwide by many cultures and Spiritual healers. Since the beginning of time they have understood the role energy plays in the functioning of the spiritual, emotional, mental AND physical levels. More recently, the existence of an unseen life force energy and its direct connectedness to quality of life has been verified by scientific experiments. A form of this energy is Reiki, a natural adjunct to any treatment modality for faith and intention in healing, energy stimulation, pain management, stress reduction and the activation of the body's immune system. The Japanese word, Reiki means "universal life force energy". It is a powerful, yet gentle, method of spiritual healing through opening, clearing and balancing of one's energy system.

As Reiki comes from and is directed by Spirit, it is a holistic energy process that is natural and available to all. I bless myself and my family with Reiki, as well as objects or gifts. Reiki blessed water is my beverage of choice!

More and more hospitals, as well as chiropractors, nurses, massage therapists, surgeons, and other health care providers are discovering the value of including this ancient and effective modality to their practices. Energy sessions have been used to reduce the negative side effects of traditional drug and radiation therapies and promoting the effectiveness of medical treatments. It makes patients feel better and enhances their connection to the Divine, thus allowing them to heal more quickly while promoting traditional treatment to be more effective.

Based on Spiritual concepts, Reiki is simple to learn, Energy healing is both taught to and transferred to the student by the Energy (Reiki) Master. It's not dependent on one's intellectual capacity or spiritual development or religious beliefs and, therefore, is available to everyone. It has been taught to thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds.

There are many types of energy healing, Reiki healing is similar to Therapeutic Touch, a "hands on" healing technique, with the exception that with Reiki you receive sacred attunements through your Reiki Master (teacher). ALSO Reiki, unlike "hands on" healing, does not require touching to transfer the energy. The hands are held several inches away from the receiver, in fact that is the only method used by this Master. The mutual intention of both giver and receiver is far more important than actual physical touch. The hands are held over the chakras (the seven energy centers of the receiver), but need not be restricted to the chakras.

For the most powerful energy balance to occur, the receiver must accept responsibility for his or her own healing and take an active part in it. What is happening in our lives is part of what needs to happen on our life path. The Usui system of Reiki is more than the use of, or passing of, the Reiki energy. It is an exchange of mutual intention between you and your Higher Self. It is, therefore, facilitated with an active commitment to improve oneself, to connect Spiritually.  This is the power of Reiki.

An energy treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through you and surrounds you. Energy treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit and creates many beneficial effects including relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and well-being. Energy balance is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use and benefit by. For information about an appointment please call 352-804-9006 or inquire by email

Even a Reiki Master is one who is always becoming a Reiki Master. It is a process of continual growth. Seek to develop and express the qualities of love, compassion, wisdom, justice, cooperation, humility, persistence, kindness, courage, strength, and abundance. Reiki energy is all of these and more.

You'll soon realize that there is more to Reiki than healing yourself and/or others of specific problems. Reiki has a deeper purpose. In the same way that Reiki is able to guide healing energy when you are giving a treatment, Reiki can guide your life.

By treating yourself and others, and meditating on the essence of Reiki, you will be guided more and more by Reiki in making important decisions. Sometimes the guidance doesn't make sense or conform to what you think you should be doing. By trusting in the guidance of Reiki, by letting go of what your ego thinks, and by humbly surrendering to Reiki's loving power, your life will change in ways that bring greater harmony.

Over time, you will learn from experience that the guidance of Reiki is worthy of your trust. Once you have surrendered completely, you will have entered the way of Reiki. When you do this, you will be at peace with the past and have complete faith in the future.

Dr Gary Baptiste
"I talk to my patients after a treatment of Reiki. There seems to be a great improvement both Physically and Mentally. Medicine is not just prescribing pills - it has to include the Mind and Soul."

The Three Degrees of Reiki - Learning to Channel Energy

Reiki I:

Provides Reiki definitions, the history of Reiki, energy and the mind-body-spirit, using Reiki guidelines with the the hand positions for treating self and others, developing Reiki instructions. This training also includes energy, breathing and meditative development exercises, introduction to the human anatomy, and healing guides.

The first two attunements in Reiki I serve to open energy pathways within the body that will enable individuals to channel the Reiki energy. The attunement will activate a healing process to cleanse and open the body, mind, and emotions. Once attuned, you are attuned for life. An individual does not need to be an active Reiki practitioner to benefit from this process, as it also serves to increase spiritual development.

Includes a manual, hands on, energy, instruction work and a certificate once requirements are met. Participants will receive specific instructions prior to the class. After the first attunements, there is a requested waiting period of 1-3 months before proceeding to the Second Degree.

Reiki II:

Provides two more attunements to increase the power and flow of Universal energy, additional internal development exercises, healing techniques, additional anatomy information, power breathing exercise, three Ancient symbols for directing energy, along with learning how to use energy for distance healing.

The symbols perpetuate getting to the root of the mental, emotional and addictive behavior patterns, and align the mental and emotional bodies with Spirit.

Includes a manual, hands-on instruction, continued follow-up work and a certificate. Participants will receive specific instructions prior to the class. After the second attunement, there is a requested waiting period before proceeding to the Third Degree.

Note: Since styles of teaching vary, it is highly recommended that individuals spend some time interviewing Reiki Master/Teachers so that they may locate the person/people to best meet their needs. It is also highly recommended that an individual try and remain with the teacher of choice for at least the First and Second degree, if not throughout the entire process.

For those who have received their First Degree or Second Degree training through another source - a copy of your certification is required, along with a discussion concerning your training. If this training does not meet with our requirements the contribution amount may be increased. For those who wish to repeat Energy training with me, there is no charge to sit in on a class with proof of prior training certification.

Reiki III/Reiki Master:

Upon receiving the two attunements for Reiki III, the practitioner's knowledge and skills are greatly expanded and intensified. The student receives powerful, additional, sacred symbols, instruction on how to pass the attunements; and guidance on how to use and transfer power and sacred symbols as a Reiki Master/Teacher.

Includes a manual, hands-on instruction, several months continued follow-up work and a certificate. Participants will receive specific instructions prior to the class. After the Master attunement, and to become a Teacher, the student must assist in the teaching of 3 Reiki classes (Reiki I, II & III) as well as read two Reiki books and conduct 20 Reiki sessions. The Reiki Master level is a serious committment and dedication to Reiki and the healing of the planet. This must be taken into account prior to Reiki III consideration.

Butterfly Reiki:

Upon receiving the attunements for any degree of Reiki, the practitioner's knowledge and skills are greatly expanded and intensified. In this transformational Reiki training, the student receives powerful, additional, sacred symbols, instruction on how to utilize universal life forces to accelerate transformational changes like weight loss and addiction control; understanding and acceptance of energies working around us as "perfect" and guidance on how to best use and transfer those energies to our own goals and desires.

Includes a manual, hands-on instruction, continued follow-up work and a certificate. Participants will receive specific instructions prior to the class. PRIOR Reiki attunement is a prerequisite for this Reiki Level.

Pre-Attunement Guidelines

In order to improve the results you receive during the attunement, a process of purification is recommended. This will allow the attunement energies to work more efficiently and create greater benefits for you. The following steps are optional. Follow them only if you feel guided to do so.

  • Refrain from eating meat, fowl or fish for three days prior to the attunement. These foods often contain drugs in the form of penicillin and female hormones, and toxins in the form of pesticides and heavy metals, that make your system sluggish and throw it out of balance.
  • Consider a water or juice fast for one to three days especially if you already are a vegetarian or have experience with fasting.
  • Minimize your use of coffee and caffeine drinks or stop completely. They create imbalances in the nervous and endocrine systems. Use no caffeine drinks on the day of the attunement.
  • Use no alcohol for at least three days prior to the attunement.
  • Minimize or stop using sweets. Avoid chocolate.
  • If you smoke, cut back and smoke as little as possible on the day of the attunement.
  • Meditate each day for a week or so prior using a style you know or simply spend time in silence.
  • Reduce or eliminate time watching TV, listening to the radio, and reading newspapers.
  • Go for quiet walks, spend time with nature, get some exercise - even for 1 or 2 minutes.
  • Give more attention to the subtle impressions and sensations within and around you – contemplate their meanings. Journal for greater self-reflection.
  • Release all anger, fear, jealousy, hate, worry, etc. up to the light. Create a sacred space within and around you.

An attunement is an initiation into a sacred metaphysical order that has been present on Earth for thousands of years. By receiving an attunement you will become part of a group of people who are using energy to heal themselves and each other, and who are working together to heal the Earth. By becoming part of this group, you may also be receiving help from the guides and other spiritual beings who are working toward these goals.

In March of 2004 I received Certification for Reconnective Healing ® Levels 1 & 2. It was truly life changing and I am excited to offer this popular and effective healing. For more information please check out Dr. Eric Pearl's site

The total session lasts about 60 minutes with 30 minutes dedicated to The Reconnective ® healing. Cost is $65.00.

Practice Standards

The information provided in this website, and the services provided by It's All Perfect are not intended to be a substitute nor to be used as a replacement for treatment, prescription, or medical advice from your family health care provider. If you suspect you have a medical or psychological condition, or wish to start any new health program, you should first consult with your health care provider or a mental health professional. The hypnosis services rendered are held out to the public as a form of coaching using non-therapeutic hypnosis, guided imagery and instruction in self-hypnosis and relaxation. The energy balancing services rendered are presented to the public as a form of spiritual connection to Universal Life Force, God, and natural stress reduction. We do not represent these services as any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, by law we make no health benefit claims for our services.

Hypnotism (non-therapeutic) and Energy Balancing are self-regulating professions and its practitioners are not licensed by state governments. Rev. Kim Marques is not a physician nor a licensed health care provider and may not provide a medical diagnosis nor recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatments.

If a client desires a diagnosis or any other type of treatment from a different practitioner, the client may seek such services at any time. A client has a right to refuse hypnosis or energy services at any time. The client has a right to be free of physical, verbal, or sexual abuse. A client has the right to know the expected duration of treatment, and may assert any of these rights.

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